Book review: Airframe by Michael Crichton

Book review: Airframe by Michael Crichton
Photo by Yujin Yano / Unsplash

Airframe has non-stop action and intrigue from the beginning. I could not put this book down until it was over. Crichton does a great job of laying out the airline industry - manufacturers, operators, FAA, and everything in between - in a way that is awfully close to reality.

I've worked in the airline industry for 6+ years so there could be a bit of bias creeping in when I say even the "data dumps" were interesting, but those few times are the only places where this story could be considering anything less than break-neck.

If you're not too big on flying, maybe stay away from this one. If you're still on the fence or curious about how parts of the airline industry work, grab it and spend a few days immersed in a story that will also teach you something.

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