Being a Curious Dummy

Being a Curious Dummy
Photo by Andrew Neel / Unsplash

I was talking to my wife the other day and I think I've come up with a term that I'll start using to describe myself in a number of scenarios. I'm a curious dummy. Often, I don't know much about a particular topic. That was the case the other day. Here's the story:

We were on the way to the bookstore[1] to pick up my reserved copy of Going Infinite by Michael Lewis. We were talking about FTX and Sam Bankman-Fried and how little we both knew about the whole situation. At some point in the conversation the question came up, "Why do you want to read a book about this again?" Like most people, I have no interest in "getting into crypto" or anything of that nature. What I am interested in is a good story with a bit of learning sprinkled in. I like to know just enough about a topic to be able to have a conversation about it. I take interest in certain topics, sure, but overall I feel like I'm a generalist. I'm ok with that because that means I'm always exceeding my current grasp, reaching for more knowledge. My curiosity is what sent me on this journey, and the new knowledge is my souvenir.

  1. Shout out to all my indie bookstores out there! P.S. check out Bookshop. ↩︎

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